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Austin Oilfield Accident Lawyer

Oilfield accidents can be devastating, leading to serious injuries and even death. Worse, recovering from your injuries can take time and money you don’t have to spare unless the at-fault party covers your losses. 

When you’re hurt, reach out to an Austin oilfield accident lawyer. Your attorney at Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law can help you recover the damages you’re due for your injuries. 

How Do Texas Oilfield Accidents Happen?

The U.S. Energy Information Administration states that Texas is the top crude oil and natural gas producer in the nation. This state alone accounts for over 40 percent of the nation’s crude oil production. 

However, even though this industry is booming, individuals find themselves eager to push production as fast as they can. This can lead to negligent behavior, reckless decisions, and even a push to encourage workers to engage in these same dangerous behaviors. 

OSHA reported over 4,000 injuries to oilfield workers every year, and over 100 workers were killed due to these injuries. Austin workers put themselves in danger each day to continuously produce this regularly used oil.

Oilfield Vehicle Accidents 

There is a close connection between driving in the oil industry and collisions between motor vehicles. It has been shown that workers in the oil and gas industry are over 8 times more likely to die in a vehicle accident than in other private industries. 

Furthermore, it has been reported that vehicle accidents, especially those resulting from driver fatigue, are the leading cause of fatalities in the oil and gas industry. Even though fatigue is a risk for any commercial drivers, oilfield drivers are exempt from following the same regulations and protocols as others. This leads to further accidents while behind the wheel. 

Accidents While on the Rig

Working on the rig is also dangerous for workers. There are many dangerous conditions and hazardous equipment on the work site. In addition to these dangers, oil is a highly combustible component. 

Accidents on oil rigs are not uncommon, and the injuries sustained can range from severe brain injuries to broken bones, or even death in some cases. This is especially likely when there is an explosion involved. 

When the injuries that happen are due to someone else’s negligence, such as an employer, the injured party may have grounds to open a case for compensation. Employers who fail to maintain their equipment, enforce workplace safety, or train their employees may face the consequences that come from negligence.

Negligence in Oilfield Accidents

Since the oil industry is heavily regulated, OSHA puts numerous safety measures in place to keep workers safe. Unfortunately, these rules and regulations are not always enforced or followed. When workers, supervisors, or the companies themselves act negligently, this can lead to serious injuries or even death. 

There are numerous ways that these workers can act negligently which leads to these injuries. Here are some of the common causes of oilfield workplace accidents:

  • Not following safety regulations
  • Lack of proper hiring, training, or supervision
  • Not posting the proper safety signage 
  • Failure to replace faulty equipment 
  • Improperly handling hazardous substances
  • Lack of safety equipment provided 
  • Defective equipment 

These examples all involve negligence on someone’s part. Due to the nature of the incidents, these cases can be complex and require the experience of an Austin oilfield accident attorney’s office. 

Common Injuries in Austin Oilfield Accidents

The workers in the oilfield are aware of how dangerous their jobs are. This doesn’t mean that accidents don’t happen. When these accidents happen, they can be life-changing. The most common injuries that happen on Texas oil fields can include, but are not limited to:

It is important that those hurt in oilfield accidents reach out to an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Austin workers looking to receive compensation have up to two years to file a claim from the date the accident happened. 

Recovering Oilfield Accident Compensation 

Oilfields, in Austin or otherwise, are known for being dangerous sites. The workers in this industry are expected to use specialized vehicles and machinery, and they may also be exposed to dangerous and hazardous conditions. When this happens, you may be due compensation for your damages, both economic and non-economic. 

Your economic damages should cover any financial losses you’ve suffered because of the accident. This may include emergency medical treatment, ongoing medical costs, or lost income. These damages should be totaled up and included in your compensation. 

Your damages may also be intangible mental and emotional suffering, or non-economic damages. These damages include pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and loss of enjoyment of life. These damages can be difficult to calculate, however, because these damages are intangible, lacking a dollar amount. Your lawyer can help you calculate these damages. 

Connect with an Experienced Oilfield Accident Lawyer in Austin

Austin may be great for oilfield workers that want to get a jumpstart on their careers. However, if you have been injured or a loved one has died due to an oilfield accident, you may want to seek help from an experienced attorney.

Speak with Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law by calling 800-488-7840 or by completing the online contact form below. Your Austin oilfield accident lawyer can help you, starting with a free consultation. Our experienced law office can speak with you about your rights and the options available. We’re here for you.

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