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Getting the Largest Injury Settlement

When you or a loved one has been injured due to another person’s negligence, the first thing you should do is seek medical attention. However, chances are good that you will also have to negotiate with insurance companies to try to get compensated by the at-fault party. 

This can be a confusing process to navigate because it’s often not clear what you should be doing next or who you need to talk to. The insurance companies seem like they are on your side, but they want to make money and pay out as little as possible.

The most important factor is high-quality legal representation for your Austin personal injury case and getting the largest injury settlement to cover all of your expenses and suffering. Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law negotiate with insurance companies as well as litigate on behalf of victims. Read on for steps that you can take yourself to ensure that the big insurers don’t take advantage of you.

Keep Details of Your Case Private

If there are any witnesses who saw what happened, they may be called on to testify in court. These witnesses are typically questioned by lawyers on both sides of the case.

Unfortunately, witnesses sometimes tell others about your case and unintentionally cause damage to your case. This can hurt your chances of getting properly compensated before you’ve had a chance to file a lawsuit. So make sure that witnesses keep quiet about what happened. This includes social media.

It’s a good idea to make witness agreements legally binding. Victims often have their lawyers create nondisclosure agreements that make it illegal for witnesses to comment on your case.

Refuse to Accept a Lowball Offer

Don’t accept a lowball settlement from insurance companies. This is where legal representation makes a huge difference.

You may be able to get more money by having your lawyers negotiate and call them back later with a final offer before pursuing damages in court. 

This technique often works well when we negotiate with large companies. They want to make a profit, and an expensive court case can hurt those profits. These companies may do everything they can to limit your settlement, but if you pursue compensation in court, they may find settling to be the better option. 

Sending a Demand Letter to Insurance Companies

A demand letter is a formal letter sent by your attorney that informs the insurance companies about how you expect to be compensated and informs them of the steps you plan on taking if they do not honor your requests. 

You should always have legal representation at this stage because lawyers will help you determine what kind of settlement offer you should make.

Maximize Your Settlement with a Lawyer 

After an accident, you need a settlement that covers your needs in the wake of an injury. Reach out for help when you’re hurt and aren’t getting the settlement you need for a full recovery. 

Helping victims get the largest injury settlement possible is what our firm does best. Learn more with a free consultation. Call Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law at 800-488-7840 or complete our online form and we’ll get in touch with you.

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