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How Serious Does a Personal Injury Need to Be for a Claim?

If you have suffered a serious personal injury caused by another entity or person, you may be eligible to seek financial compensation. However, it is important to know exactly what qualifies as a personal injury claim in order to determine whether you should pursue legal action.

At Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law, we understand that there are many complex issues that victims need to address. Our experienced personal injury attorneys in Austin can help you determine whether you have a legitimate claim and how much money you might receive for medical care and other damages if you are successful in holding the at-fault party accountable.

What Qualifies as a Personal Injury Claim?

To determine whether or not your injury is serious enough to justify filing a claim, you have to look at the effects it has had on you physically and in your daily life. Personal injury victims suffer many types of injuries depending on their cases as a result there are different types of personal injury claims victims can make in Austin. 

Generally speaking, if your injury required medical care then that’s usually a good indication that it is serious. Serious personal injury isn’t required to be life-threatening to be compensated. The different types of injuries that often result in claims include:

When a Minor Injury Qualifies for a Claim

In addition to the serious injuries listed above, when a minor injury results in lasting effects, then you may be able to file a claim

For example, if you have back pain after an accident that’s not acute but is still chronic over a long period of time and you need medical care as a result, it may be categorized as serious and you may want to file a claim.

A head injury is another minor injury that may grow worse and lead to filing a claim. For instance, a headache after a fall may initially seem minor but may later be diagnosed as a traumatic brain injury

That’s why it’s crucial to monitor symptoms carefully and get to a doctor ASAP if you suspect a TBI.  Signs of a TBI can be mysterious and could include difficulty speaking, tremors, and trouble walking if motor skills and balance are being affected.

Insurance companies often try to deny these claims because of the delayed onset of symptoms and will argue that the injury isn’t the reason you’re having issues because so much time has elapsed since the accident occurred. If you find yourself in this position, ask a lawyer for advice.

Consult an Attorney About Your Personal Injury Claim

How serious does a personal injury need to be for a claim? There is no single answer to this question. The reason for this is that each situation has its own specific elements, so it’s recommended that you speak with a lawyer before making any decisions about filing for compensation. 

Contact Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law through our online contact form or call 800-488-7840 to discuss if your injury meets the requirements for filing. We offer free consultations to new clients seeking answers. 

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