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Proving the Non-Economic Damages You’ve Suffered

After an accident, you may suffer a variety of damages. Many of these damages are financial, but what about the intangible suffering you’ve experienced? These damages can be challenging to calculate and difficult to prove. 

Don’t suffer through this alone. A monetary gain may help you through your struggles, no matter what. A personal injury lawyer in Austin TX with Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law can help you earn the money you deserve.

Proving Non-Economic Damages

Damages can come in various forms, but one less-recognized term is non-economic damages. These are damages that do not have a monetary value but deal with emotional loss or psychological loss. These damages are typically referred to as pain and suffering and considered non-economic damages.

Though the injuries you have sustained are not counted as non-economic damages due to varying medical bills that come with an injury, the pain you have received due to the injury is considered non-economic. However, to prove pain and suffering, attorneys often need evidence, including:

  • Medical bills or pain relief subscriptions
  • A family member or friend’s testimony
  • Documentation of the injury, typically photographic

Another type of non-economic damages may revolve around your emotional or mental pain. This could be a result of a disruption in your life, or mental pain as a result of the loss of companionship. 

For example, this may occur if a loved one dies as a result of the accident. In this situation, the victim may claim they have lost love, joy, companionship, support, or even guidance. Non-economic damages may also include physical impairment and disfigurement.

What You Are Owed for Non-Economic Damages

There are a variety of factors that the judge will look at when considering the amount of compensation you are owed if they believe you are owed anything at all. Many insurance companies use a multiplier method when it comes to payouts, which involves the use of a number of 1.5 to 5 based on varying factors. Some of these factors may include:

  • The injury severity and extent
  • Length of injury recovery
  • Who is liable for the accident and if there is a dispute
  • Whether or not you were disfigured or permanently impaired
  • Financial losses incurred
  • Insurance coverage available

Compensation Limitations

If you are seeking non-economic damages, there is no cap in Texas. However, there is a cap if you are considering suing for non-economic damages when it comes to a malpractice case. Because medical-related cases are considered different from regular cases, both the plaintiff and defendant must play by a different set of legal rules. 

Like in many cases, medical professionals are held to a higher standard. Your lawyer can help you get the full compensation you’re due.

Get the Compensation You Deserve with an Austin Attorney

If you have suffered as a result of an accident, you deserve compensation. Whether you have lost valuable work time or are in pain from an injury, you should not be left to deal with it yourself.

Serving the city of Austin, Texas, Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law is here to represent your case. Give us a call at 800-488-7840 or fill out our online contact form for more information.

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