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What Causes Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can be devastating—a fact evidenced by the sheer size of the modern commercial trucks you can see on any highway today. 

Truck accidents can happen for a variety of reasons, but the results are almost always catastrophic. If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, pursue compensation from the responsible parties. A truck accident lawyer from Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law can help.

Common Factors in Truck Accidents

The prospect of a truck accident can be frightening knowing that these incidents are even more likely to cause death or severe injuries for victims than other types of motor vehicle accidents. 

Life may never be the same after a truck accident. If there’s a silver lining to any of this, however, it’s that you or your family may be entitled to financial compensation for the injuries, loss, and damages you’ve suffered as the result of a truck accident. 

Truck accidents caused by negligence are common, which is why you should contact an attorney after the accident who can investigate your claim and ensure that all liable parties are served with a lawsuit. 

Some of the most common factors in truck accidents caused by negligence include:

  • Distracted Driving – When a truck driver takes their eyes off the road for even a second, the consequences can be devastating. 
  • Tired Driving – Although laws are in place to prevent drivers from over-exerting themselves behind the wheel, it still happens all the time. When a drowsy driver gets behind the wheel, however, they put everyone else around them at risk. 
  • Drunk Driving – The decision to get behind the wheel of a truck after drinking can have grave consequences. Nationally, the blood alcohol content limit for truck drivers is even less than other drivers, which means they can commit a serious offense even if they drank less than other drivers.
  • Speeding – Every shipping company wants to meet its goals—but when drivers speed, they endanger the lives of others.
  • Equipment Issues – If cargo is inadequately loaded, or if a truck hasn’t been properly maintained, it can lead to an accident. 

Regardless of the reason for your truck accident, if a driver, logistics company, or any other person or entity is responsible for your damages, you may be eligible for financial compensation from them. 

Is it Possible to Recover Compensation for a Truck Accident?

Depending on the nature and extent of your injuries—as well as the underlying cause of the accident—you may be able to successfully file a claim for compensation for the losses and damages you or a loved one has suffered as the result of a truck accident. 

Generally, compensatory damages are grouped into two types: economic and non-economic. Economic damages refer to specific financial losses that a plaintiff suffers as the result of a private wrong; these can include loss income from missed work, or medical bills. 

Non-economic damages, such as emotional loss and difficulty, are harder to calculate, but are no less important to you as the victim of a truck driver’s negligence. Some examples of these include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Contact a Truck Accident Lawyer

After a truck accident, you need to take action if you’re going to recover the compensation you need. A truck accident lawyer with Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law can help. 

Call us at 800-488-7840 or fill out the form on this page to learn more about scheduling your free consultation. 

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