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Negotiation Strategies for Achieving a Fair Car Accident Settlement

August 23, 2023

Car accidents can be traumatic and life-altering experiences. Dealing with the aftermath, including medical expenses, vehicle repairs, and emotional distress, can be overwhelming. 

In such situations, negotiating a fair settlement with insurance companies becomes crucial for obtaining the compensation you deserve. Negotiation is an art that requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and a solid understanding of the process.

This comprehensive guide explores negotiation strategies for a fair car accident settlement. Whether you are navigating the process on your own or seeking the assistance of an Austin car accident lawyer, this post will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to maximize your chances of securing a favorable settlement.

What is Car Accident Settlement?

A car accident settlement refers to the resolution or agreement reached between the parties involved in a car accident. This is to compensate for the damages and injuries resulting from the incident. It is a legal process where the injured party seeks financial compensation from the at-fault party’s insurance company or through a legal claim.

The car accident settlement aims to provide financial relief to the injured party for various losses, including medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs. The settlement amount is typically negotiated between the parties, their legal representatives, and the insurance companies involved.

The settlement process involves gathering evidence, assessing damages, and negotiating with the insurance company or the at-fault party to reach a fair and reasonable compensation amount. It is important to consult a qualified attorney specializing in car accident cases to guide you through the settlement process and help protect your rights and interests.

Importance of Negotiation in Car Accident Settlement Cases

Negotiation is vital in obtaining a fair and just outcome in car accident settlement cases. Car accidents can leave victims with physical injuries, emotional distress, and financial burdens. Negotiating a settlement is the process by which the parties involved seek a resolution that compensates the injured party for their losses and helps them recover from the incident.

Negotiation is imperative in car accident settlement cases. It serves as a means of seeking a resolution without lengthy and costly court battles. By engaging in negotiation, parties can address their concerns, present their arguments, and work toward a mutually agreeable outcome.

Here are some key reasons why negotiation is significant in car accident settlement cases:

  • Control and Flexibility

Negotiation allows parties to maintain control over the settlement process. Rather than leaving the decision in a judge or jury’s hands, negotiation empowers individuals to actively participate in shaping the settlement terms. It provides the flexibility to explore various options and tailor the agreement to specific needs and circumstances.

  • Time and Cost Efficiency

Litigation can be lengthy and expensive. Negotiation offers a more efficient alternative, as it aims to resolve the dispute promptly, potentially saving parties from protracted legal battles. By avoiding court fees, attorney fees, and other litigation expenses, negotiation can provide a more cost-effective avenue for settling.

  • Preservation of Relationships

Car accidents involving multiple parties, such as vehicle collisions or interactions between drivers and pedestrians, can strain relationships. Negotiation allows parties to engage in an open dialogue, express their concerns, and work towards finding common ground. This can help preserve relationships and promote amicable resolutions, particularly in cases where ongoing interactions are necessary, such as shared insurance policies or community involvement.

  • Customized Solutions

Every car accident case is unique, with its circumstances and complexities. Negotiation offers the opportunity to craft personalized solutions that address the injured party’s specific needs. 

Open communication and compromise allow parties to explore creative options beyond financial compensation, such as arrangements for ongoing medical care, property repairs, or future accommodations.

  • Emotional Closure

Car accidents can have profound emotional effects on victims. Engaging in negotiation allows individuals to voice their grievances, express their emotions, and seek acknowledgment for their pain and suffering. By actively participating in the negotiation process, individuals may find closure and move forward with their lives.

Individuals can actively seek fair compensation, address their specific needs, and work toward emotional and financial recovery by negotiating. This collaborative process makes the path to a fair and just resolution attainable, helping individuals rebuild their lives after a car accident.

Achieving a Fair and Favorable Settlement

A fair and favorable settlement is the ultimate goal for car accident victims. A fair settlement ensures that the injured party receives proper compensation for their losses, damages, and injuries resulting from the accident. It considers the financial, physical, and emotional impact suffered by the victim, aiming to restore them to the best position given the circumstances.

Here are key factors to consider when striving for a fair and favorable settlement:

  • Understanding Your Rights and Damages

It is crucial that you understand your legal rights and the full extent of your damages. Familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations governing car accident claims in your jurisdiction. Assess the various damages you may be entitled to, including medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future damages.

  • Documenting Your Injuries and Losses

Document all injuries, medical treatments, and related expenses resulting from the accident. Keep copies of medical records, bills, and receipts. Also, record additional losses such as vehicle repair costs, rental expenses, and missed workdays. Comprehensive documentation strengthens your position during negotiations, demonstrating the accident’s impact on your life.

  • Accurate Evaluation of Damages

Work with medical professionals, financial experts, and legal advisors to accurately assess damages. Consider both current and future expenses. This includes ongoing medical treatments, rehabilitation, and the potential long-term consequences of your injuries. A comprehensive evaluation ensures you seek a settlement that adequately covers all your losses. 

  • Building a Strong Case

Gather all relevant evidence to support your claim. This may include police reports, photographs of the accident scene, witness statements, and expert opinions. The stronger your case, the more persuasive your position is during negotiations. 

  • Presenting a Compelling Demand

Craft a demand letter outlining your injuries, damages, and the accident’s impact on your life. Present a compelling argument supported by evidence, emphasizing the other party’s liability. Include a specific settlement amount that reflects the full extent of your losses. A well-drafted demand letter sets the foundation for negotiation discussions.

  • Engaging in Skilled Negotiation

Approach negotiation with a strategic mindset. Be prepared, confident, and reasonable in your negotiations. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your case and be willing to listen to the other party’s perspective. 

  • Assessing Settlement Offers

Carefully evaluate any settlement offers presented to you. Consider whether the offer adequately compensates you for all your damages and losses. Assess the potential costs, risks, and time of further legal action versus accepting a settlement. Your attorney can provide valuable guidance in assessing settlement offers and advising you on the most appropriate action.

Remember, achieving a fair and favorable settlement requires patience, perseverance, and a comprehensive understanding of your rights and damages. By taking a proactive approach,  b building a strong case, and engaging in skilled negotiation, you increase your chances of reaching a settlement that truly reflects the losses you have suffered.

Understanding the Car Accident Settlement Process

Negotiation Strategies for Achieving a Fair Car Accident Settlement | Slingshot Law

The car accident settlement process involves the steps and procedures to resolve a legal claim or dispute arising from a car accident. Understanding this process is essential for settlement negotiations. While each case may have unique factors, the following provides a general overview of the car accident settlement process: 

Report the Accident and Gather Information

  • Immediately after the accident, report it to the appropriate authorities, such as the police or highway patrol.
  • Gather information from all parties involved, including names, contact details, insurance information, and eyewitness accounts.
  • Document the accident scene by taking photographs of the vehicles, damages, and any visible injuries.

Seek Medical Attention

  • Even if you believe your injuries are minor, seek medical attention promptly. Some injuries may have delayed symptoms.
  • Obtain medical documentation and keep records of all treatments, diagnoses, and expenses related to your injuries.

Notify Your Insurance Company

  • Report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. Familiarize yourself with your insurance policy terms.
  • Provide an accurate and detailed account of the accident, and cooperate fully with your insurer throughout the claims process.

Consult with an Attorney

  • Consider seeking legal representation, especially if you have sustained serious injuries or complications.
  • An experienced personal injury attorney can provide guidance, protect your rights, and advocate for fair compensation.

Investigation and Documentation

  • Your attorney will initiate an investigation to gather evidence, including police reports, witness statements, medical records, and expert opinions.
  • They may work with accident reconstruction specialists or other professionals to establish liability and strengthen your case.

Demand Letter and Settlement Negotiation

  • Your attorney will help you prepare a demand letter outlining your injuries, damages, and a proposed settlement amount.
  • This letter is sent to the insurance company or the at-fault party, initiating the negotiation process.
  • Settlement negotiations may involve back-and-forth offers, counteroffers, and discussions of liability and damages.

Mediation or Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

  • If the initial negotiations do not lead to a satisfactory settlement, the parties may choose mediation or ADR.
  • A neutral mediator facilitates discussions between the parties to reach a mutually acceptable resolution.

 Litigation and Trial

  • If settlement negotiations or ADR fail, your attorney may recommend filing a lawsuit and pursuing the case in court.
  • Litigation involves the discovery process, where evidence is exchanged and depositions are conducted. 
  • If the case proceeds to trial, a judge or jury will hear the evidence presented by both sides and make a decision.

Settlement or Judgment

  • The majority of car accident cases are settled before trial. You can accept the offer and resolve the case if a fair settlement is reached.
  • If your case goes to trial, the judge or jury will determine liability and compensation amount.

Distribution of Compensation

  • Once a settlement is reached or a judgment is awarded, compensation will be distributed to cover your medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and other damages as determined.

It’s important to note that the car accident settlement process may vary depending on the jurisdiction and specific circumstances of your case. Working with an experienced attorney will ensure you follow the appropriate steps and navigate the process effectively, increasing your chances of achieving a fair settlement.

Gathering Strong Evidence and Documentation

Gathering strong evidence and documentation is a crucial step in the car accident settlement process. This evidence supports your claim, establishes liability, and demonstrates the extent of your damages. 

Here are key steps and considerations for gathering strong evidence and documentation:

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

  • Obtain medical treatment immediately, even if your injuries seem minor.
  • Medical records and documentation from healthcare professionals will be critical evidence of your injuries and impact.

Preserve the Accident Scene

  • If it’s safe, preserve the accident scene by taking photographs or videos of the vehicles involved, damages, skid marks, and road conditions.
  • Capture any visible injuries you or other parties sustained.

Document Witness Information   

  • Obtain contact information from any witnesses present at the accident scene.
  • Witness statements can provide valuable independent testimony regarding the accident’s events.

Obtain Police Reports

  • Contact the appropriate authorities to ensure a police report is filed about the accident.
  • Request a copy of the police report containing valuable information about the incident, including any citations issued and the officer’s observations.

Maintain a Detailed Accident Journal

  • Keep a detailed record of the accident, including the date, time, location, weather conditions, and a step-by-step account of what occurred.
  • Note any pain, symptoms, or emotional distress you experienced following the accident.

Collect Medical Records and Bills

  • Obtain copies of all medical records, including doctor’s notes, diagnostic test results, and treatment plans.
  • Keep track of medical bills, prescription receipts, and other expenses related to your injuries.

Preserve Financial Documents

  • Maintain records of any financial losses resulting from the accident, such as lost wages, vehicle repair invoices, and alternative transportation expense receipts.

Gather Insurance Information

  • Obtain insurance information from all parties involved in the accident.
  • Keep copies of your insurance policy and any communication with your insurance company.

Consult Accident Reconstruction Experts

  • Consulting accident reconstruction experts in complex cases or disputes over liability may be beneficial.
  • These professionals can analyze the accident scene, vehicle damage, and other evidence to provide expert opinions on how the accident occurred.

Retain Other Relevant Documentation

  • Keep any other documents relevant to your case, such as repair estimates, photographs of property damage, or surveillance footage, if available.

It is essential to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can guide you in gathering the right evidence, advise on its relevance, and ensure compliance with legal requirements. They can help you navigate the process effectively, organize your documentation, and present a strong case for fair compensation. Remember, the quality and strength of your evidence can significantly impact the outcome of your car accident settlement.

Types of Evidence to Gather 

When gathering evidence for a car accident settlement, collecting various types of evidence that supports your claim and establishes liability is important. 

Here are some key types of evidence to gather:

  • Photographic Evidence

Photographic evidence is crucial in car insurance claims, providing visual documentation of the accident scene, damages, and other pertinent details. By capturing images of the vehicles involved, the surrounding environment, and any visible injuries, photographic evidence provides a comprehensive visual record that can significantly impact the outcome of an insurance claim.

Photographic evidence is a powerful tool for the claimant and the insurance provider. It helps establish the facts surrounding the incident, providing an objective record of the accident and supporting the accuracy of the reported damages. This evidence can also help prevent fraudulent claims and disputes, as it represents the situation at the time of the accident.

When documenting a car accident, capturing various angles and perspectives is essential to provide a comprehensive view. Close-up shots of damages, skid marks, and other relevant details can be particularly useful. Time-stamped photographs further enhance the credibility of the evidence, ensuring its accuracy and reliability.

  • Witness Statements

Witness statements are crucial evidence in car insurance claims, providing firsthand accounts of the accident from witnesses. These statements can play a significant role in determining liability and accurately assessing the circumstances surrounding the accident.

Obtaining witness statements is important as they provide independent and unbiased perspectives on the events. Witnesses can provide details about the sequence of events, the actions of the involved parties, and any other relevant information that may help determine faults or clarify uncertainties.

  • Police Report

Police reports are official documents created by law enforcement officers who respond to an accident scene. 

They provide an objective and detailed account of the accident, including key information such as date, time, location, parties involved, witness statements, and a preliminary assessment of fault. 

Insurance companies rely heavily on police reports when evaluating car insurance claims as they provide an unbiased and authoritative account of the incident. These reports help insurers determine liability and assess the extent of damages. 

If you’re involved in an accident, it’s crucial to contact the police immediately and obtain a copy of the police report for your insurance claim.

  • Medical Records and Documentation

Medical records play a vital role in car insurance claims involving injuries. They provide crucial evidence of the extent and nature of the accident injuries.

These records include detailed information about medical diagnoses, treatments, medications, hospital visits, surgeries, rehabilitation, and other relevant medical procedures. 

Insurance companies rely on medical records to evaluate the severity of injuries, determine the necessary medical expenses, and assess the impact on the claimant’s overall well-being. 

It is essential to obtain comprehensive medical records that accurately document all injuries related to the accident. These records help ensure the claimant receives appropriate compensation for medical expenses and any long-term effects of the accident.

  • Expert Opinions and Reports

These reports are typically generated by experts in various fields, such as accident reconstruction specialists, engineers, mechanics, or medical professionals. They evaluate the accident scene, vehicle damage, injuries, or other relevant aspects to provide expert analysis. 

Insurance companies often rely on these reports to understand liability, determine the extent of damages, and assess the claim’s value. Expert opinions and reports add credibility to the claim and strengthen the negotiation process, ensuring a fair and accurate settlement.

  • Documentation of Financial Losses

Documentation of financial losses is a crucial aspect of car insurance claims as it helps establish the extent of monetary damages suffered by the claimant. This documentation includes records, receipts, invoices, and other relevant financial documents that provide evidence of the expenses and losses incurred due to the accident. 

It can encompass various aspects such as vehicle repair costs, medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and other out-of-pocket expenses. Detailed and accurate financial loss documentation is essential for claim settlement. It enables the insurance company to assess the economic impact of the accident and determine the appropriate compensation to cover these losses.

  • Vehicle and Property Damage

Vehicle and property damage are key components of car insurance claims, as they involve assessing and compensating for physical harm caused to vehicles and other properties involved in an accident. This includes damage to your vehicle, the other party’s vehicle, and any other structures or objects affected by the collision. 

Documentation of vehicle and property damage is vital for a successful claim, as it provides evidence of the extent of the harm and helps determine appropriate compensation. This documentation typically includes photographs, repair estimates, invoices, and other relevant evidence that establishes the cost of repairs or replacement. Accurate and detailed documentation assists insurance adjusters in evaluating damages and resolving the claim efficiently.

  • Surveillance or Dashcam Footage

Surveillance or dashcam footage can be valuable evidence in car insurance claims, as it provides visual documentation of the accident or incident. Surveillance footage from nearby cameras or dashcam footage from involved vehicles can capture the sequence of events, the actions of drivers involved, and the overall circumstances leading up to the incident. This type of footage is often unbiased and objective, offering a clear and factual account of what occurred. Insurance companies rely on surveillance or dashcam footage to assess liability, determine fault, and evaluate the extent of damages.

Remember, it’s crucial to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can guide you on the types of evidence specific to your case. They can help you organize and present evidence effectively, maximizing your chances of achieving a fair and favorable settlement.

Tips for Documentation

Effective documentation is crucial when gathering evidence for a car accident settlement. Proper documentation can strengthen your case, clarify, and support your claims. 

Here are some essential tips for effective documentation:

  • Document the Accident Scene

Take photographs or videos of the accident scene, capturing the vehicles’ position, damages, skid marks, road conditions, and any visible injuries.

  • Capture Vehicle and Property Damage

Take detailed photographs of the damage to your vehicle and any other vehicles involved.

  • Preserve Medical Records and Bills

Obtain copies of all medical records, including doctor’s notes, diagnoses, treatment plans, and test results. Record all medical bills and expenses related to your injuries, such as prescriptions, therapies, rehabilitation, or assistive devices.

  • Maintain a Detailed Accident Journal

Keep a written journal documenting the details of the accident, including the date, time, location, weather conditions, and a step-by-step account of what occurred.

  • Obtain Police Reports and Witness Statements

Request a copy of the police report filed at the accident scene, as it provides an official record of the incident.

  • Organize Financial Documentation

Maintain records of financial losses resulting from the accident, such as lost wages, invoices for vehicle repairs, rental car expenses, or any other out-of-pocket costs.

  • Consult with an Experienced Attorney

Seek guidance from an experienced personal injury attorney who can provide valuable advice on proper documentation, ensure compliance with legal requirements, and guide you through the settlement process.

Remember to store your documentation safely and make backup copies in case of loss or damage. Proper and organized documentation can greatly support your case during negotiations, increasing the likelihood of a fair car accident settlement.

Assessing Damages and Establishing a Settlement Goal

When dealing with a car insurance claim, it is essential to assess the damages accurately and establish a settlement goal. Assessing damages involves evaluating the extent of property damage, vehicle repairs, medical expenses, and other losses incurred due to the accident. This process may involve gathering repair estimates, medical bills, and other relevant documentation to calculate the total value of your claim. 

Once the damages are assessed, establishing a settlement goal helps you determine a fair and reasonable amount that adequately compensates you for the losses suffered. It is crucial to consider economic and non-economic factors when establishing your settlement goal, including medical expenses, property damage, pain and suffering, lost wages, and future expenses related to the accident. 

Remember, every case is unique, and the value of damages will vary. Working closely with an experienced personal injury attorney can help you assess damages accurately and establish a settlement goal that aligns with your specific circumstances. Their expertise will ensure you pursue fair compensation and effectively advocate for your rights during settlement negotiations.

Building a Strong Negotiation Strategy

Building a strong negotiation strategy is crucial when pursuing a car accident settlement. A well-crafted strategy enhances your chances of reaching a favorable resolution. 

Here are some key tips for building a strong negotiation strategy:

Understand Your Case and Legal Rights

  • Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the details of your case, including the facts, evidence, and applicable laws.

Determine Your Negotiation Approach

  • Choose a negotiation approach that aligns with your goals, style, and the case circumstances.
  • Consider collaborative, competitive, or compromising approaches and their potential effectiveness.

Set Clear Objectives

  • Define your objectives and what you aim to achieve through negotiation.
  • Establish measurable goals that reflect your desired outcome, such as a target settlement amount or specific terms.
  • Prepare Your CaseOrganize all relevant evidence, including medical records, police reports, witness statements, and documentation of damages.
  • Anticipate potential counterarguments or challenges from the opposing party and gather supporting evidence to address them.

Determine Your Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)

  • Identify your BATNA, which refers to the best outcome you can achieve if you cannot settle through negotiation.
  • Understanding your BATNA empowers you to assess your negotiation position and make informed decisions.

Practice Active Listening

  • Listen carefully to the other party’s arguments and concerns during the negotiation process. Practice active listening by acknowledging and addressing their points to foster a constructive dialogue.

Communicate Effectively

  • Clearly articulate your position and desired outcome during negotiations.
  • Use persuasive language and compelling evidence to support your claims.
  • Remain respectful and professional throughout the negotiation process.

Consider Legal Representation

  • Engage the services of an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in negotiation and settlement.
  • An attorney can provide expert advice, negotiate, and advocate for your best interests.

Building a strong negotiation strategy requires thorough preparation, effective communication, and a clear understanding of your objectives. By implementing these tips and seeking guidance from an experienced professional, you can navigate the negotiation process confidently and increase your chances of achieving a favorable car accident settlement.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

Negotiating with insurance companies is crucial to the car accident settlement process. Insurance companies often have their interests, and it’s important to approach negotiations strategically. 

Here are some tips for negotiating with insurance companies:

Understanding Insurance Tactics

It is crucial when negotiating a car accident settlement. Insurance companies employ various strategies to protect their interests and minimize payouts. Being aware of these tactics can help you navigate negotiations more effectively. 

1. Lowball Offers

  • Insurance companies may initially offer a settlement amount much lower than your claim’s value.
  • They aim to see if you will accept a quick and inadequate settlement without fully understanding your rights and the extent of your damages.
  • Be prepared to counter lowball offers with a well-supported demand for fair compensation.

2. Delaying Tactics

  • Insurance companies may intentionally delay the settlement process, hoping you will become frustrated or desperate and accept a lower offer.
  • They may request additional documentation, conduct lengthy investigations, or delay responding to your communications.
  • Stay organized, document all communication, and follow up promptly to ensure the process moves forward.

3. Disputing Liability

  • Insurance companies may dispute or downplay the liability of their insured party, attempting to shift blame or minimize their responsibility.
  • They may challenge the evidence or attempt to prove that you were partially or fully at fault for the accident.
  • Gather strong evidence, such as police reports, witness statements, and photographs, to support your claim and establish liability.

4. Using Recorded Statements Against You

  • Insurance adjusters may request recorded statements from you shortly after the accident.
  • Be cautious during these conversations, as they may try to get you to make statements that could be used against you later.
  • Consult with an attorney before providing recorded statements to the insurance company.

5. Surveillance and Social Media Monitoring

  • Insurance companies may hire investigators to surveil claimants to gather evidence that undermines their claims.
  • Be mindful of your actions and what you post on social media, as insurance companies may monitor your online presence for evidence contradicting your injury claims.
  • Avoid posting content that could be misconstrued or used against you during negotiations.

6. Quick Settlement Offers

  • Insurance companies may make attractive quick settlement offers to resolve your claim rapidly. However, these offers often undervalue your damages and do not account for potential long-term consequences or future medical expenses.
  • Evaluate settlement offers carefully, considering the full extent of your damages and consulting with an attorney if needed.

7. Pressure Tactics

  • Insurance adjusters may use various pressure tactics to pressure you into accepting a settlement.
  • They may emphasize that the offer is time-limited or imply that you may not receive compensation if you don’t accept quickly.
  • Remain calm, seek legal advice, and don’t accept an unfair settlement.

8. Requiring Excessive Documentation

  • Insurance companies may request extensive documentation and records to create burdensome administrative processes.
  • While it’s important to provide the necessary documentation, be cautious about providing information irrelevant to your claim.
  • Work with your attorney to ensure you provide appropriate documentation without being overwhelmed by unnecessary requests.

9. Utilizing Complex Legal Language

  • Insurance policies and settlement documents can contain complex legal terminology.
  • Insurance companies may use this language to confuse or intimidate claimants.
  • Consult an attorney who can help you understand the terms and ensure you know your rights and obligations.

10. Encouraging Quick Settlements

  • Insurance companies may create a sense of urgency and encourage you to settle quickly.
  • They may suggest that delays in the settlement process will result in reduced compensation or increased costs.
  • Take your time, carefully evaluate your case, and consult with an attorney. 

Leveraging Professional Help

Leveraging professional help, such as hiring a personal injury attorney, can help achieve a fair and favorable car accident settlement. Experienced attorneys bring specialized knowledge, negotiation skills, and a deep understanding of the legal system. 

Their expert guidance, legal strategy, and effective communication can significantly enhance your negotiation process. Attorneys also help assess damages, value your claim, and protect your legal rights. 

With their support, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the settlement process, increasing your chances of obtaining just compensation for your injuries and losses.

Reaching a Fair Settlement Agreement

Reaching a fair settlement agreement is the ultimate goal of car accident negotiations. A fair settlement considers the full extent of your damages, including medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any long-term consequences of the accident. 

Documenting your damages thoroughly, gathering strong evidence, and employing effective negotiation strategies to achieve a fair settlement are important. This may involve engaging the services of a personal injury attorney who can leverage their expertise to advocate for your rights and ensure that you are not taken advantage of during negotiations. 

By presenting a compelling case, being open to reasonable compromises, and staying committed to your settlement goals, you can work towards a fair and equitable resolution that provides the compensation you deserve.

Main Takeaway

In conclusion, negotiating a fair car accident settlement requires careful planning, strong evidence, effective communication, and, sometimes, the assistance of a skilled legal professional. 

Understanding the settlement process, assessing damages accurately, and building a strong negotiation strategy can increase your chances of a favorable resolution. However, navigating negotiations can be challenging. 

That’s why it’s highly recommended to seek an experienced personal injury attorney, such as Slingshot Law. With our expertise, you can navigate the intricacies of the legal system, protect your rights, and maximize your chances of obtaining a fair settlement. 

Don’t hesitate to contact Slingshot Law today to discuss your case and receive the guidance and support you need to secure the compensation you deserve. Take the first step towards a fair settlement by contacting Slingshot Law now.

Exploring Workplace-Related Personal Injuries and Their Implications

July 13, 2023

Workplace injuries can significantly affect injured employees and their overall health and well-being. Workplace accidents can have physical, emotional, and financial consequences, from slips and falls to repetitive strain injuries and chemical exposures. 

In this post, we will examine the implications of workplace injuries on employee health, exploring the common types of injuries, their associated health risks, and the responsibilities of employers in ensuring a safe working environment. By understanding these implications, we can shed light on workplace safety and preventative measures. 

Join us as we delve into workplace injuries and health, and explore how we can promote a safer and healthier working environment.

Common Types of Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries are an unfortunate reality for many workers. They can lead to costly medical bills, lost wages, and permanent disabilities. Knowing the most common types of workplace injuries can help employers identify risks and create strategies to reduce them. 

Slips, trips, and falls cause most workplace injuries. These account for almost one-third of all work-related accidents. 

  • Slips occur when a person suddenly loses footing on a wet or slippery surface. 
  • Trips happen when an individual’s foot catches on something. 
  • Falls usually result from a lack of handrails or other safety devices that prevent falling from an elevated surface.

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are also prevalent at work. These involve damage to muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, nerves, or spinal discs due to overexertion or repetitive motions. 

MSDs often affect people with jobs requiring heavy lifting or sitting for long periods in uncomfortable positions. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one type of MSD that affects people who frequently use computers or do repetitive tasks with their hands. By understanding the most common types of workplace injuries and how they occur, employers can protect their workers from harm. 

Slips, Trips, and Falls

Slips, trips, and falls can occur in any job environment, which is typically safe. These types of injuries can be particularly devastating because they usually result in broken bones or joint damage, which can prevent someone from working for an extended period. 

Various factors, such as wet floors, loose rugs or mats, poor lighting, or inadequate safety steps, can cause slips, trips, and falls. Employers must take all necessary precautions to ensure workers are safe. This includes providing proper footwear with non-slip soles and ensuring walkways are clear and well-lit. 

Employers should also ensure that employees can access adequate safety equipment such as handrails, guardrails, and other protection devices. By taking these measures, employers can reduce the risk of workplace slips, trips, and falls and protect their employees from serious injury.

Repetitive Strain Injuries

Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) occur when a person repeatedly performs the same motion or activity. This often happens in jobs that require repetitive motions, such as typing, assembly line work, and operating machinery. 

The most common types of RSIs include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, tendinosis, and tenosynovitis. These injuries can be painful and debilitating and can interfere with one’s ability to do their job.

RSI treatment typically involves rest, stretching exercises, physical therapy, medications to reduce pain and inflammation, and braces or splints to stabilize the affected area. Surgery may sometimes be necessary to correct nerve damage or other underlying conditions causing the injury. It is important to consult a physician if you are experiencing any signs of RSI to treat it properly before it becomes serious.

Struck-By Accidents

Struck-by accidents are another common workplace injury. They occur when an object strikes someone, often causing bruising or cuts. Injuries can range from minor contusions to severe trauma. It is important to take all necessary safety precautions in the workplace to prevent such accidents.

Safety measures such as wearing protective gear and being aware of your surroundings can reduce the risk of these types of accidents. Employees should also be trained on object handling safely. It is necessary to understand the importance of safety protocols. Additionally, employers should ensure that their workplaces are well-lit and debris-free so employees can work safely and without fear of injury.

Machinery Accidents

Machinery accidents are one of the most common workplace injuries. This type of injury typically occurs when a worker comes into contact with unguarded or malfunctioning machinery. Injuries from these accidents can range from minor cuts and bruises to more severe injuries such as fractures and amputations. The most common causes of machinery accidents include improper operation, lack of safety training, inadequate maintenance, and defective equipment.

To prevent machinery accidents, employers must ensure that workers are properly trained on using all machines, provide guards for hazardous moving parts, and inspect all equipment regularly for defects or wear. Employers must also provide personal protective equipment such as gloves and goggles when needed. Taking these precautions will reduce the risk of serious injury or death resulting from machinery accidents in the workplace.

Burns and Chemical Exposures

Moving on from machinery accidents, another set of workplace injuries are burns and chemical exposures. This type of injury can be caused by exposure to scalding liquids, contact with hot surfaces, or contact with corrosive chemicals. 

Burns and chemical exposures can cause severe pain, disfigurement, and long-term health complications. Employers must take the necessary steps to protect their workers from this injury. They should ensure that hazardous materials are stored securely and clearly labeled. Employees should also be briefed on the correct safety procedures for working with hazardous substances and taught how to prevent accidental exposure. 

Employers must provide appropriate protective clothing and ensure that safety protocols closely adhere to minimize the risk of burns and chemical exposures. These steps will help ensure that employees remain safe while doing their job and reduce the risk of costly medical bills resulting from workplace injuries.

Work-Related Exposures

Work-related exposures are another common workplace injury. This can include exposure to hazardous materials, extreme temperatures, or uncomfortable working conditions. 

Common work-related exposures can be categorized into three types:

  • Physical Exposures: These can include repetitive motions, vibration from tools and machinery, extreme temperatures, or noise levels that cause fatigue or hearing loss.
  • Chemical Exposures: This includes exposure to toxic substances such as asbestos, lead, and petroleum, which can cause respiratory illnesses.
  • Biological Exposures: This exposure includes communicable diseases such as hepatitis B or tuberculosis, which can be contracted from other workers in the same environment.

It is important to take proper safety precautions when dealing with any of these types of exposures to avoid an injury or illness in the workplace. Employers should provide employees with personal protective equipment (PPE) and ensure all safety protocols are followed to prevent potential health risks.

Health Implications of Workplace Injuries

Working in a hazardous environment can have serious health implications. Every year, thousands of people suffer from workplace injuries that affect their ability to work and enjoy life. 

Workplace accidents account for many fatalities and injuries in the United States. Injuries sustained on the job range from mild to severe, with many workers developing long-term disabilities due to their injuries. Depending on the nature of the injury, workers may experience chronic pain, limited mobility, and psychological issues such as depression or anxiety. In some cases, these injuries can even cause death.

Physical Injuries and Disabilities

Workplace injuries can destroy an individual’s physical health. Injuries such as broken bones, lacerations, and burns can cause permanent disabilities requiring lifelong treatments. Even seemingly minor injuries like sprains and strains can cause long-term pain and discomfort if not properly addressed. The financial burden of these treatments, especially in long-term disability cases, can be overwhelming. 

Moreover, many workers who suffer workplace injuries cannot return to their usual duties or shift to other occupations due to their disability. This often leads to unemployment and further financial hardship for the individual and their family. Employers must prevent occupational hazards to reduce injury risk and ensure that employees remain healthy and productive.

Psychological and Emotional Effects

In addition to physical injuries and disabilities, workplace injuries can also have psychological and emotional effects. Workplace injuries’ mental and emotional impact can be just as severe, if not more so, than the physical effects.

These consequences include:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

The psychological impacts of a workplace injury may manifest in different ways, including feelings of fear or worry, difficulty concentrating, insomnia or nightmares, flashbacks to the event leading to the injury, irritability or anger outbursts, or avoidance of activities that remind the individual of their trauma. 

Furthermore, those who experience workplace injuries may be unable to return to work due to their psychological symptoms, which adds an extra layer of stress and financial hardship on top of the existing difficulties associated with the injury. Seeking professional help from a mental health specialist is recommended to cope with these issues and reduce the risk of long-term mental health problems.

Overall, it is important to recognize that workplace injuries are not only physically debilitating but also have psychological implications. Employers must protect employees from preventable accidents to minimize the physical and mental suffering caused by workplace injuries.

Chronic Pain and Long-Term Health Issues

Chronic pain is one of the most common long-term effects of workplace injuries. This pain can range from mild to severe and usually persists for weeks, months, or years after the initial injury. It can also cause changes in an individual’s lifestyle, such as difficulty sleeping or physical restrictions that make it difficult to participate in activities they once enjoyed.

Persistent pain can also lead to depression and anxiety, further exacerbating the physical and emotional burden. Furthermore, if left untreated, chronic pain can lead to serious health risks such as heart disease, stroke, or diabetes. 

Additionally, those with long-term workplace injuries may be more susceptible to other medical conditions due to the weakened immune systems caused by chronic stress.

Workplace injuries have far-reaching consequences for health and well-being. Therefore, employers must create safe working environments to prevent these types of accidents from occurring in the first place. If an injury occurs, seek proper medical treatment quickly to minimize long-term health implications.

Financial Burden and Income Loss

Moreover, workplace injuries can have a significant financial impact on the injured individual’s life. Not only does the injured person have to bear medical expenses, but they also may experience a loss of income due to time away from work. 

Here are five key ways workplace injuries can cause financial difficulties:

  • Paying for costly medical treatments and medications
  • Losing out on wages while off work due to injury recovery
  • Paying for rehabilitation and physical therapy sessions
  • Taking out loans or using savings to cover injury expenses 
  • Being unable to pay bills due to unexpected financial burdens caused by the injury

The economic consequences of workplace injury are far-reaching. The injured worker may be unable to return to their old job or find another suitable job in the same field, which could lead to prolonged unemployment or underpayment. 

Additionally, if the injury is permanent, they might not be able to work at all, leaving them with no source of income. This could result in long-term poverty and debt that takes years, if not decades, to recover from. Therefore, employers and workers must take preventative action to avoid workplace injuries and protect themselves from potentially devastating financial consequences.

Impact on Overall Well-Being and Quality of Life

The impact that workplace injuries can have on a person’s overall well-being and quality of life is significant. Workers suffering from workplace injuries may experience physical pain, emotional distress, or even financial hardship due to medical bills and lost wages. 

This can lead to anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. In some cases, long-term disability due to an injury can cause difficulties when returning to the workforce. This can have a substantial negative effect on quality of life.

In addition, workplace injuries often require a lengthy recovery period. During this time, it can be difficult for an individual to perform everyday activities such as shopping, housekeeping, and other tasks normally taken for granted. 

This inability to complete simple tasks can lead to further helplessness and despair. Furthermore, those unable to work may feel isolated from their peers or excluded from certain social activities due to limitations. These factors contribute to decreased overall well-being and quality of life for workplace injury victims.

Employer Responsibility and Occupational Safety Measures

Employer responsibility and occupational safety measures are essential in any workplace. Employees can be at risk of injury, illness, or death without them. These measures protect not only the workers themselves but also the company as a whole. Employers must take these regulations seriously and learn how to implement them properly. 

Legal Obligations of Employers

Employers are legally responsible for providing a safe working environment for their employees. This includes providing adequate safety measures and training and ensuring the workplace complies with all applicable laws and regulations. 

Employers must also ensure that all employees know the risks associated with the job and are adequately trained to identify and mitigate potential hazards. Failure to do so can result in serious injury or even death, leading to expensive fines or lawsuits from injured employees. 

Furthermore, employers must regularly inspect the workplace for potential hazards and address them promptly. It includes hazard awareness training if necessary. In addition, employers should take steps to reduce risk through workplace design, such as reducing noise levels or installing protective screens around machinery.

Importance of Risk Assessment and Preventative Measures

Having established employers’ legal obligations to ensure occupational safety, it is also important to recognize the need for risk assessment and preventative measures. Risk assessment is a process that aims to identify potential hazards in the workplace, as well as determine whether existing safety measures are adequate or require improvement. In addition, preventative measures are put in place to ensure safety and minimize risks. Such measures can include implementing protective equipment, enforcing health and safety regulations, and providing training on identifying and responding to workplace hazards. 

Additionally, employers should always monitor employees’ work practices for unsafe behavior or conditions. By doing so, employers can ensure worker safety while on the job. Only through these processes can employers meet their responsibility toward occupational safety.

Training Programs and Safety Protocols

Employers are responsible for ensuring their work sites are safe and secure for all employees. To do this, they must provide safety training programs and protocols to help employees better understand the risks associated with their job tasks. Training programs should include proper lifting techniques, avoiding slips and falls, using equipment safely, and emergency preparedness.

Safety protocols should also be in place to protect employees from potential hazards at work. These can include wearing protective gear when necessary, using warning signs in potentially hazardous areas, and following safe work practices. 

Employers should regularly monitor their worksites for any risks or issues and take steps to address them promptly. By providing effective training programs and safety protocols, employers can ensure employees’ safety.

Reporting and Investigating Workplace Incidents

Employers are responsible for ensuring that all workplace incidents are reported and investigated promptly and accurately. This helps to identify any safety issues or hazards, as well as any potential safety measures that could be put in place to prevent future accidents. 

Employers must also provide employees with the appropriate resources to investigate any incident that takes place. This includes a detailed description of the incident, access to all relevant paperwork, and interviews with witnesses, if applicable.

All incidents must be reported to the appropriate authorities according to the company’s policies and procedures. An investigation should then follow, including collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses, and assessing any damage or injuries caused by the incident. 

The investigation must be conducted promptly to apply any lessons learned immediately. It is also critical for employers to keep accurate records of each incident so that they can review them regularly and ensure their safety standards are being met.

Employee Rights and Workers’ Compensation

Employees are the lifeblood of any business; without their hard work and dedication, a company could not survive. As such, employers must provide proper compensation and rights for their employees. 

From health benefits to workers’ compensation, employee rights, and workers’ compensation are important topics to protect employees and employers. 

Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Employees in the U.S. can receive compensation for job-related injuries and illnesses through a state-mandated workers’ compensation program. This program provides wage replacement, medical treatment, vocational rehabilitation, and other benefits to employees who suffer workplace injuries or illnesses. 

Workers’ compensation benefits are designed to help employees get back on their feet after an injury or illness, and protect employers from expensive lawsuits resulting from such incidents. Workers’ compensation benefits depend on several factors, including the severity of the injury or illness, the amount of time they have been out of work due to their condition, and any applicable state laws. 

Additionally, certain workplace accidents may qualify for additional benefits such as death or survivor’s benefits in cases where a worker has died due to a job-related incident. To ensure injured workers get the full benefit they are entitled to under the law, they must be familiar with their rights and understand how workers’ compensation works in their particular state.

Reporting Workplace Injuries and Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim

If an employee is injured in the workplace, it’s important to report it immediately. Depending on the injury’s severity, employees should contact their supervisor or seek medical attention. When reporting an injury, include as many details as possible and document them in writing. Getting copies of any medical reports and submitting them to the employer is also important. 

Here are some tips for properly filing a workers’ compensation claim:

  • Make sure that all paperwork is complete and accurate.
  • Follow up with the employer and insurance company regularly until a decision has been made.
  • Stay in contact with your doctor so they can keep updating your records.
  • Be aware of deadlines for filing claims and appeals.

Employees have the right to receive fair compensation when injured on the job, and understanding how workers’ compensation works is essential in achieving this goal. Knowing what steps must be taken after an injury can help ensure employees receive the benefits they deserve.

Rehabilitation and Medical Treatment Options

Once a workers’ compensation claim has been filed, employees have the right to seek medical treatment for their injury. Depending on the nature of the injury, this may include rehabilitation and other treatments. Rehabilitation programs can help employees regain strength and mobility while working with a medical professional to reduce pain and prevent further damage.

Medical treatment options can also include medications, physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychological counseling, chiropractic care, or acupuncture. Depending on the individual case, these treatments may be necessary. The goal is to help an employee return to their pre-injury condition or as close as possible. It is up to the employee to work with their healthcare provider and employer to determine which treatment plan is best for them.

Legal Rights and Protections for Injured Workers

Employees who have been injured on the job may be entitled to certain legal rights and protections. These can include the right to workers’ compensation benefits, such as medical care, wage replacement, and disability payments. 

Workers’ compensation benefits are often paid out in a lump sum or over time, depending on the extent of the injury. Employees should know their rights when filing workers’ compensation benefits claims.

To receive workers’ compensation benefits, employees must provide proof that they were injured while performing their duties for their employer. This proof can include medical records, written statements from witnesses, and other evidence that shows the injury was sustained at work. 

It is important to note that employers may deny a worker’s claim if they do not have sufficient evidence that the injury occurred while on the job. Therefore, workers must document any injuries they sustain while working as soon as possible and seek medical attention if necessary.

Employees injured at work should familiarize themselves with state and federal laws regarding workplace safety and health standards to protect themselves from future harm. They should also seek legal advice when filing a claim for workers’ compensation benefits to ensure that all of their rights are properly protected.

Role of Personal Injury Attorneys in Workplace Injury Claims

Once negligence has been established and liability is found, the next step is  understanding personal injury attorneys’ role in workplace injury claims. The attorney’s primary goal is to help their client receive fair compensation for their injuries.

Personal injury attorneys are familiar with state and federal laws that govern workplace injuries, such as workers’ compensation statutes and regulations. They can also advise clients about legal options for recovering employers’ damages. 

Furthermore, these attorneys can guide how to navigate the legal process of filing a workplace injury claim. Attorneys can also negotiate with insurance companies or other parties involved in the claim. They also review any settlement offers presented. Workers must understand their rights and obtain competent legal representation if injured.

Compensation Options Beyond Workers’ Compensation

In addition to workers’ compensation, several other options are available for those seeking personal injury compensation. One of these is a civil lawsuit. This involves filing a claim against the responsible party, proving that their negligence caused your injuries, and pursuing financial compensation for pain and suffering, medical bills, lost wages, and other related damages. 

Another option is to pursue a settlement through mediation or negotiations involving the parties involved in your case. This can be a more efficient process than going to court and is often an effective way of obtaining compensation without expensive legal fees and lengthy proceedings. With this method, both sides agree on an agreed-upon amount to be paid as a settlement. It’s imperative to remember that regardless of your chosen option, it’s best to consult an experienced attorney before deciding how to proceed with your personal injury claim.

Contact Slingshot Law

If you have a personal injury claim, it’s helpful to understand your legal rights and options. Reaching out to Slingshot Law can help you with this process. Our experienced attorneys have extensive experience with personal injury claims with offices in multiple states. We focus on providing personalized advice tailored to each individual’s needs.

Slingshot Law offers free consultations to discuss your case’s specifics and guide you on how best to proceed. We aim to maximize your compensation while handling your case efficiently and professionally. Contact us now for a free case evaluation.

How Insurance Companies Deny Claims: Tactics and Strategies

July 12, 2023

Insurance is supposed to provide financial protection in the event of an unexpected loss, such as a car accident or a medical emergency. Unfortunately, insurance companies sometimes deny claims, leaving policyholders in a difficult situation. 

Denying claims is a common tactic used by insurance companies to protect their bottom line. However, this can leave policyholders feeling frustrated and helpless. In this blog, we will explore the insurance companies’ tactics and strategies to deny claims, and provide tips for policyholders to avoid falling victim to these tactics. By understanding the tactics and strategies of insurance companies, you can protect yourself and your family from the devastating effects of a denied claim.

What is an Insurance Policy?

An insurance policy is a legal contract between an individual (or organization) and an insurance company in which the individual pays a premium in exchange for the insurer’s promise to cover specific losses or damages in the future. It outlines the terms, conditions, and limitations of coverage. Also, it describes the circumstances under which the insurer will pay out benefits and the exclusions and deductibles that apply. 

The insurance policy is a critical document that governs the relationship between the policyholder and the insurance company, and policyholders need to understand their rights and obligations under the policy. These are meant to provide peace of mind and financial protection in need. However, when an insurance company denies a claim, it can be a frustrating and confusing experience for policyholders. 

Insurance companies are vested in denying claims as it helps them maintain profitability and minimize losses. Denial rates vary between insurance companies and can be influenced by factors such as the type of policy, the insured’s history, and the severity of the claim.

Insurers may deny claims due to technicalities in the policy language, interpretation, or suspicions of fraud or misrepresentation. For example, if a policyholder fails to disclose relevant information during the application process, such as pre-existing medical conditions or previous accidents, this could result in claim denial. Also, insurers may deny claims based on internal investigations into suspected fraudulent activity.

Policyholders need to understand their rights and options when faced with a claim denial. This includes appealing the decision through the insurer’s internal appeals process or seeking legal assistance if necessary. 

It is also important for policyholders to carefully review their insurance policies before filing a claim to ensure they meet all requirements and obligations outlined in the policy language.

Importance of Understanding How Insurance Companies Deny Claims

Understanding how insurance companies deny claims is crucial for policyholders to protect their interests and ensure they receive the coverage they are entitled to. By understanding the tactics and strategies used by insurers to deny claims, policyholders can be better prepared to deal with insurance companies and advocate for themselves in the claims process.

One of the key reasons why understanding how insurance companies deny claims is important is that it can help policyholders identify potential red flags early in the claims process. For example, if an insurer requests excessive documentation or delays the claims process without a valid reason, it may be a sign that they are attempting to deny the claim. 

Additionally, understanding how insurance companies deny claims can help policyholders navigate the appeals process if their claim is initially denied. By knowing the strategies and tactics that insurers use to deny claims, policyholders can develop a stronger argument for why their claim should be approved and potentially increase their chances of success on appeal.

Understanding how insurance companies deny claims is an important part of being a responsible policyholder. By staying informed and proactive, policyholders can protect themselves from unfair treatment by insurers and ensure that they receive the coverage and benefits they are entitled to under their policies.

Reasons for Insurance Claim Denials

No Valid Coverage

One of the most common reasons for insurance claim denials is when the policyholder’s coverage has expired or if they failed to pay their premiums on time. Insurance companies require policyholders to maintain valid coverage, and if they fail to do so, their claims will be denied.

For example, let’s say a driver fails to renew their auto insurance policy before it expires. If that driver gets into an accident after the expiration date, any claims filed with the insurance company will likely be denied. This is because the driver did not have valid coverage at the time of the accident.

Failure to File Timely Claim

Another reason why insurance companies may deny claims is when policyholders fail to file a claim within the specified time frame outlined in their policy. Insurance policies typically require that claims be filed promptly after an incident occurs.

For instance, let’s say a homeowner experiences water damage from a burst pipe but fails to file a claim until several months later. In this case, the insurance company may deny the claim due to untimeliness.

Partial or Full Fault for Accident

Insurance companies may also deny claims if the policyholder is found to be partially or fully at fault for an accident. In these cases, insurers may argue that they are not responsible for covering damages resulting from actions taken by their own customers.

For example, suppose two drivers get into a motor accident where one driver runs through a stop sign and collides with another vehicle. If it can be proven that both drivers were at fault for causing the accident, then neither party’s insurer may cover damages resulting from that collision.

Problems with Policy or Coverage

Insurance companies may also deny claims if there are issues with the policy or coverage itself. For instance, exclusions or limitations may apply to specific types of damage or accidents.

Let’s say a homeowner experiences damage due to flooding caused by heavy rainfall but does not have flood insurance as part of their home insurance policy. In this case, the insurance company may deny their claim due to the lack of coverage for flooding.

Disputes Over Liability and Fault

Another reason why insurance claims may be denied is when there are disputes over liability and fault. This can happen when multiple parties are involved in an accident, and it is unclear who is responsible for causing the damages.

For example, suppose two drivers get into a collision at an intersection where both drivers claim that they had the right of way. In this case, insurers may dispute who was at fault for causing the accident, leading to a denial of one or both parties’ claims.

Fraudulent Claims

Finally, insurance companies may deny claims if they suspect that the claim is fraudulent. Fraudulent claims occur when policyholders intentionally cause damage to their property or stage accidents to collect insurance money.

For instance, let’s say a homeowner files a claim stating that their home was burglarized and valuable items were stolen. If it is discovered that the homeowner staged the burglary to collect insurance money, then their claim will likely be denied.

Lapsed Policy

A lapsed insurance policy is one of the most common reasons for denied claims. Insurance companies require policyholders to keep their policies active and up-to-date. If a policy lapse, any damages or physical injuries that occur during that time may not be covered. This can result in significant financial losses for the policyholder.

It’s important for policyholders to understand the consequences of letting their insurance policies lapse. Even if they have been with the same insurance company for years, failing to pay premiums on time can lead to a lapsed policy and denied claims.

Insufficient Insurance to Cover Damages

Another reason why claims are often denied is due to insufficient insurance coverage. It’s important for policyholders to make sure they have enough liability coverage to cover potential damages and injuries, as well as any property damage that may occur.

If a driver causes an accident and doesn’t have enough liability coverage, they may be personally responsible for paying any additional costs that exceed their coverage limits. This can be financially devastating, especially if there are serious injuries involved.

Damage Excluded from Coverage

Damage excluded from coverage can also result in denied claims. For example, if an excluded driver causes an accident or if the damage was caused by an event specifically excluded in the policy, the insurance company may deny the claim.

It’s important for policyholders to review their policies carefully and understand what is and isn’t covered. They should also consider adding additional coverage options if necessary.

Medical Necessity

Another common reason for claim denials is a medical necessity. Insurance companies may argue that certain treatments or procedures are not covered under the policy because they are not medically necessary. This can be a frustrating experience for those who need medical care but cannot afford to pay out of pocket.

To avoid this situation, it is important to carefully review your insurance policy and understand what types of medical treatments and procedures are covered. If you believe that a treatment or procedure should be covered but your insurer has denied your claim, you may need to appeal the decision and provide additional evidence supporting the medical necessity of the treatment.

Meeting Specific Requirements

Uninsured motorist coverage is another area where claims denials can occur due to specific requirements that must be met before this coverage can be applied. For example, some policies require that the uninsured driver be identified and located before any benefits are paid out.

To ensure that your uninsured motorist claim will not be denied, it is important to carefully review your insurance policy and understand what requirements must be met before benefits will be paid out. In addition, if you have been involved in an accident with an uninsured driver, it is important to gather as much information about the other driver as possible to help your insurer locate them.

Forgetting About Deadlines

One of the most common reasons why people miss out on filing their claims on time is simply forgetting about deadlines. Many people assume that they have plenty of time to file their claims and end up procrastinating until it’s too late. As mentioned earlier, insurers have strict deadlines for filing claims, which vary depending on the type of policy you have.

For example, if you have car insurance, you may be required to report an accident within 24 hours or 48 hours after it occurred. If you wait too long before reporting an accident, your insurer may deny your claim altogether.

Not Understanding Policy Coverage

Another reason why people fail to file claims on time is that they don’t fully understand their policy coverage. Insurance policies can be complex, and it’s not uncommon for people to misunderstand what is covered under their policy.

For instance, if you have a homeowner’s insurance policy, you may assume that all types of water damage are covered. However, your insurer may only cover certain types of water damage caused by specific events such as burst pipes or heavy rainstorms. 

If you file a claim for water damage caused by flooding, which is not covered under your policy, your insurer will deny your claim.

Fear of Premium Increase

Some people avoid filing claims because they fear that their premiums will increase if they do so. While it’s true that filing too many claims can lead to an increase in premiums, not filing a claim when one is needed can result in more significant financial losses.

It’s essential to remember that the purpose of insurance is to protect against unexpected losses. If you experience damages or losses and have insurance coverage for them, it’s crucial to file a claim promptly and let your insurer decide whether the incident warrants an increase in premiums or not.

Strategies Used by Insurance Companies to Deny Claims

Insurance companies use a variety of strategies to deny claims, some of which are outlined below:

Delaying Claims Processing

Delaying claims processing is a common tactic used by insurance companies to avoid paying out on a claim. Insurance companies may delay processing a claim for several reasons.

First, they may claim that they need more time to investigate the claim or gather additional information. While some claims do require additional investigation, in many cases, the delay is simply a way for the insurer to avoid making a payout.

Second, insurance companies may delay processing claims in the hope that the policyholder will give up or settle for a lower amount. This is particularly common in cases where the policyholder is experiencing financial hardship and is in need of quick payment.

If an insurance company is delaying processing a claim, it is important for the policyholder to keep detailed records of all communication with the insurer, including the date and time of each conversation and the name of the representative they spoke with. 

This can be helpful if the policyholder needs to escalate the issue or file a complaint with state regulators. If the delay persists, the policyholder may need to seek legal advice or file a complaint with state regulators to ensure that their claim is processed in a timely manner.

Misinterpreting Policy Language 

Another tactic used by insurance companies to deny claims is misinterpreting policy language or applying exclusions that are not justified by the policy language. Insurance policies can be complex and difficult to understand, and insurance companies may use this to their advantage by denying claims based on an interpretation of the policy language that is not supported by the policy itself.

For example, an insurance company may deny a claim for water damage to a home, citing an exclusion for flood damage. However, if the water damage was caused by a burst pipe rather than a natural flood, the policyholder may be entitled to coverage under their policy.

If an insurance company denies a claim based on a misinterpretation of policy language, the policyholder should carefully review the policy language and seek legal advice if necessary. It is important to understand the specific terms, conditions, and exclusions of the policy to ensure that the insurance company is not misrepresenting the coverage.

Policyholders may also want to file a complaint with state regulators if they believe that the insurance company is unfairly denying their claim based on a misinterpretation of policy language.

Denying Claims based on Pre-Existing Conditions 

Insurance companies may also deny claims based on pre-existing conditions that were not disclosed by the policyholder, even if the condition is unrelated to the claim.

For example, if a policyholder files a claim for a broken arm, the insurance company may deny the claim if they discover that the policyholder had a previous injury to that arm that was not disclosed on their insurance application.

However, insurance companies are required to clearly disclose what qualifies as a pre-existing condition in their policies, and policyholders are typically not required to disclose conditions that are not specifically asked about on the application.

If an insurance company denies a claim based on a pre-existing condition that was not properly disclosed, the policyholder may have grounds to appeal the decision. Policyholders should carefully review their policy and consult with an experienced attorney if necessary to determine if the insurance company is acting in accordance with the policy terms.

Requiring Excessive Documentation

Another tactic used by insurance companies to deny claims is requiring excessive documentation or requesting unnecessary information. Insurance companies may ask for extensive documentation, such as medical records, invoices, and receipts, in an effort to delay or deny the claim.

While it is reasonable for insurance companies to request some documentation to support a claim, excessive requests for information can be a sign that the insurer is attempting to avoid paying out on the claim. In some cases, the requested information may not even be relevant to the claim.

If an insurance company is requesting excessive documentation or information, the policyholder should carefully review the policy to determine what documentation is required to support the claim. The policyholder should also keep detailed records of all communication with the insurer, including the date and time of each conversation and the name of the representative they spoke with.

If the insurer continues to request unnecessary information or documentation, the policyholder may need to escalate the issue or file a complaint with state regulators to ensure that the claim is processed in a timely manner. Policyholders may also want to seek legal advice if they believe that the insurance company is acting in bad faith.

By using these strategies, insurance companies can deny claims, avoid payouts, and protect their bottom line. As a result, it is important for policyholders to understand these tactics and be prepared to challenge them if necessary.

What to Do If Your Claim Is Denied

Tips for Filing a Car Insurance Claim

Filing a car insurance claim can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially if your claim is denied. However, there are several steps you can take to increase the chances of your claim being approved.

Firstly, it’s important to gather all necessary documents and evidence to support your claim. This may include police reports, witness statements, photographs of the damage or injuries sustained, and medical records.

When providing information to your insurance company, it’s crucial to be honest and accurate. Providing false information or exaggerating the extent of damages or injuries can result in a denied claim or even legal consequences.

Following up regularly with your insurance adjuster is also essential to ensure that your claim is being processed in a timely manner. If you feel that your adjuster is not responding promptly or adequately addressing your concerns, consider reaching out to their supervisor or filing a complaint with the state’s insurance department.

How to Appeal the Denial of Your Claim

If your car insurance claim has been denied, it’s important not to give up hope. There are several steps you can take to appeal the decision and potentially receive compensation for damages or injuries sustained.

The first step in appealing a denial is reviewing your insurance policy and the reason for the denial. Understanding why your claim was denied can help you determine what additional evidence or information may be needed to support your case.

Providing additional evidence or information that supports your claim is another crucial step in appealing a denial. This may include obtaining witness statements, medical records from additional providers, or expert opinions on damages sustained.

Consider hiring an attorney who specializes in insurance claims if you feel overwhelmed by the appeals process. These professionals can provide guidance on how best to present your case and negotiate with insurers on behalf of their clients.

How to Dispute Home Insurance Claim Denials and Settlements

Disputing home insurance claim denials and settlements requires careful review of your policy and the specific terms related to your claim. Understanding the terms of your policy can help you determine whether or not the denial or settlement is fair and reasonable.

Obtaining an independent appraisal or estimate of damages is another important step in disputing a home insurance claim denial or settlement. This can provide additional evidence to support your case and potentially increase the amount of compensation received.

If you believe that your home insurance claim was unfairly denied or settled, consider filing a complaint with your state’s insurance department. These departments are responsible for regulating insurers and ensuring that they comply with state laws and regulations.

Police Reports Can Help Support Claims

Having a police report can help support a claim and provide evidence of the cause of the damage. In many cases, it’s essential to have this type of documentation when filing an insurance claim.

If there were no witnesses present at the scene of an accident or if it’s unclear who caused the damage, having a police report can help clarify things. The report will include details about what happened, who was involved, and any other relevant information.

Can You Sue Your Insurance Company If They Deny Your Claim? 

If an insurance company denies your claim, you may be wondering if you have the right to sue them. The short answer is yes, but it depends on the circumstances surrounding the claim denial.

In most cases, insurance policies will include a process for appealing a claim denial. This typically involves submitting additional documentation or information to support the claim or disputing the decision with the insurance company’s appeals department. If the appeal is unsuccessful, the policyholder may have the option to file a lawsuit.

However, before deciding to sue your insurance company, it is important to review the terms of your policy and seek legal advice from an experienced attorney. The specific language in the policy may limit your ability to sue, and filing a lawsuit can be a lengthy and costly process.

If you do decide to sue your insurance company, there are several legal theories that can be used to support your case. These may include breach of contract, bad faith, or unfair claims practices.

  • Breach of contract occurs when the insurance company fails to uphold the terms of the policy, such as denying a claim that is clearly covered under the policy. 
  • Bad faith occurs when the insurance company acts with intent to deceive or unfairly deny a claim. 
  • Unfair claims practices involve actions that are prohibited by state law, such as denying a claim without conducting a proper investigation.

If you believe that your insurance company has acted improperly in denying your claim, it is important to speak with an attorney who can evaluate your case and advise you on the best course of action. Suing an insurance company can be a complex process, but with the right legal representation, you can potentially recover the compensation you deserve.

Best Practices to Avoid or Solve this Common Problem

Understand the Reasons Behind Claim Denials

Insurance companies may deny claims for various reasons, such as lack of coverage, pre-existing conditions, or errors in the application process. It’s important to understand the reason behind the denial before taking any action. If you receive a denial letter from your insurance company, carefully review it to determine why your claim was denied.

Review your Insurance Policy

Policyholders should review their insurance policy to ensure that the claim denial is valid. Sometimes, insurance companies may deny claims without proper justification. Reviewing your policy can help you identify any gaps in coverage or exclusions that may have led to the denial.

File an Appeal

If you believe that your claim was wrongly denied, you can file an appeal with your insurance company. This involves submitting additional information, such as medical records or bills to support your claim. Be sure to follow all instructions your insurer provides and promptly provide any necessary documentation.

Seek Legal Assistance

If your appeal is denied, you may want to seek legal assistance from an attorney who specializes in insurance disputes. They can help you navigate the appeals process and protect your rights as a policyholder. An experienced attorney can also advise you on whether other legal options are available to challenge the denial.

Know your Rights Under the Law

Policyholders have certain rights under the law; they can access their insurance information and dispute claim denials if they believe they were unfairly denied coverage. Understanding these rights can help protect yourself against unfair practices by insurers.

Consider Switching Insurance Providers

If you consistently face claim denials or network restrictions with your current insurance provider, it may be time to consider switching to a different provider or plan that better meets your needs. Before making any changes, carefully review potential new plans and compare them against what you currently have.

When dealing with claim denials from health insurance providers, it’s important to remember that there are options available to you. By understanding the reasons behind claim denials, reviewing your policy, filing an appeal, seeking legal assistance, knowing your rights under the law, and considering switching providers, you can protect yourself and your family from unfair practices by insurers.


In conclusion, insurance companies may use various tactics to deny claims or delay the claims process, including misinterpreting policy language, denying claims based on pre-existing conditions, and requiring excessive documentation. Policyholders should carefully review their policies, keep detailed records of all communication with the insurer, and seek legal advice if necessary to ensure they receive the coverage they are entitled to under their policies.

If you have had a claim denied by an insurance company, it is important to seek legal advice from an experienced attorney. The team at Slingshot Law has years of experience dealing with insurance companies and can help you navigate the claims process and fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Slingshot Law: Propelling Austin’s Injured Towards Justice and Recovery with Premier Personal Injury Legal Services

April 16, 2023

In the heart of Texas, a personal injury law firm is making waves for its unparalleled dedication to serving those harmed by negligence. Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law, based in Austin, Texas, stands as a beacon of hope and fierce advocacy for accident victims in Austin and its surrounding communities, including Cedar Park, Georgetown, Harker Heights, Killeen, Pflugerville, Round Rock, San Marcos, and Temple. Spearheaded by a formidable team of legal professionals—Drew Gibbs, Scott Crivelli, Linda Leibfarth, Genesis Foster, and Joe Register—Slingshot Law is redefining the standards of personal injury legal services through unwavering support, profound expertise, and remarkable results.

The aftermath of a personal injury can be a tumultuous period, marked by physical pain, financial strain, and emotional turmoil. Recognizing the multifaceted impact of personal injuries, Slingshot Law commits to guiding clients through the intricate maze of personal injury claims, ensuring they secure the justice and compensation they are rightfully owed. The firm’s expertise spans a wide array of personal injury cases, including car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, wrongful death, slip-and-falls, and work injuries, demonstrating their versatility and comprehensive understanding of personal injury law.

Drew Gibbs, a founding partner, encapsulates the firm’s ethos, stating, “At Slingshot Law, we grasp the profound effect an injury can have on individuals and their families. Our mission transcends mere legal representation; we aim to confront insurance giants head-on, safeguarding our clients’ rights and securing fair compensation for their losses. We’re more than lawyers; we’re staunch advocates dedicated to propelling our clients towards recovery and justice.”

This commitment is brought to life through the team’s collective experience and knowledge, which fuels their ability to provide tailored legal services that meet each client’s unique needs. From meticulous accident investigations and pinpointing liable parties to accurately valuing claims and presenting compelling arguments in court, Slingshot Law is equipped to manage all facets of a personal injury claim. Their dedication is further illustrated in a YouTube video, offering a glimpse into the team’s ethos and approach (watch here).

The efficacy of Slingshot Law’s approach is reflected in their impressive track record and the glowing testimonials from satisfied clients. One client shared, “The outcome of my case far exceeded my expectations. Slingshot Law is simply unparalleled in their field, and I wholeheartedly recommend them, particularly for auto accident injuries.”

Beyond their legal acumen, Slingshot Law is celebrated for their compassionate demeanor and steadfast support throughout the legal journey. Offering free consultations, the firm ensures prospective clients can discuss their cases without any obligations, underscoring their client-centric philosophy.

As Slingshot Law continues to champion the cause of accident victims in Austin and beyond, their dedication to excellence, justice, and client satisfaction remains steadfast. For those in search of top-tier legal representation in personal injury cases, Slingshot Law is poised to propel you towards the justice and recovery you deserve.

In a landscape where personal injury victims often feel overlooked and overwhelmed, Slingshot Law emerges as a trusted ally, committed to delivering justice and facilitating recovery. With Slingshot Law, injured individuals in Austin and its environs can rest assured that their journey towards healing is in capable hands.

Slingshot Law Leads the Way in Enhancing Access to Justice with Free Case Evaluations

April 15, 2023

In a move that redefines the landscape of legal accessibility, Slingshot Law, a forward-thinking personal injury law firm centered in Central Texas, proudly unveils its Free Case Evaluation initiative. This groundbreaking offer aims to dismantle the barriers that often prevent individuals from understanding their legal rights and options. By providing complimentary consultations, Slingshot Law is not only offering a service but is championing a cause—making justice accessible to all, irrespective of one’s financial situation.

Demystifying Legal Rights, One Case at a Time

Navigating the complexities of the legal system can be an intimidating experience, especially for those grappling with the aftermath of personal injuries and the potential financial burdens they entail. Slingshot Law’s Free Case Evaluation service emerges as a beacon of hope, promising to shed light on the legal maze with guidance that comes without a price tag. This initiative embodies the firm’s broader mission to cultivate an inclusive environment where justice isn’t just a privilege for the affluent but a right for every individual.

“Diving into the depths of legal proceedings can leave one feeling lost and overwhelmed. It’s our belief that by empowering people with knowledge and viable options, we’re investing in a just society,” said Drew Gibbs, co-founder of Slingshot Law. “Quality legal advice shouldn’t be a commodity but a staple of civil society, and through our Free Case Evaluation, we’re breaking down the walls that keep it from being so.”

Empowering Individuals Through Knowledge

The ethos behind the Free Case Evaluation service is simple yet profound: arm individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. Understanding one’s legal standing and the courses of action available can empower people in ways that resonate beyond the courtroom, providing clarity and confidence amidst life’s tumults. “Our objective transcends mere case assessments; we aim to be a source of hope and direction for those seeking guidance,” added Gibbs.

This initiative holds particular significance for victims of personal injuries. In scenarios where time is of the essence, and the stakes are high, having access to expert legal counsel can significantly influence the outcome. Through this service, Slingshot Law not only extends a helping hand to those in dire need but also underscores the critical role of timely and knowledgeable legal intervention.

Setting a New Benchmark in Legal Services

With the introduction of the Free Case Evaluation, Slingshot Law sets a new precedent in legal service and social responsibility. This initiative serves as a call to action for law firms nationwide to reflect on their roles within the community and how they can contribute to a more equitable justice system.

The commitment of Slingshot Law to community and justice is unwavering, as evidenced by their proactive approach to ensuring that everyone, especially those marginalized by financial constraints, has access to competent legal support. This service is more than just a free consultation; it’s a testament to the firm’s dedication to upholding the values of fairness, equality, and access to justice.

For anyone facing the challenges of personal injury and the uncertainties that accompany such incidents, Slingshot Law’s Free Case Evaluation offers not just legal advice, but a pathway to peace of mind and potential recourse.

Getting Justice for a Brain Injury

January 31, 2023

If you or a loved one have suffered a severe brain injury, you and your family are going through a lot. Between medical bills and everyday life, you may be struggling to make it through the day. However, getting compensation for a brain injury may ease some of that pain

The Austin personal injury lawyers with Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law are here to help guide you through filing a claim and taking your case to court. Our goal is to aid you every step of the way, to make sure you get the justice you deserve.

Symptoms of Brain Injuries

There are several different types of brain injuries, from mild issues to life-changing damage. Our team helps get compensation for a variety of brain injuries, including concussions, open and closed head injuries, hemorrhages, hematoma, and more. 

Traumatic brain injuries are the most severe form of brain injury. They are injuries that disrupt the normal functioning of the brain, often caused by some form of external force. These injuries could permanently impact the victim’s cognitive, physical, social, and psychological functioning.

Because of the severe impact, those who have received or have a family member who has received a traumatic brain injury will likely file for compensation. If you think you may have a brain injury after an accident, there are a few symptoms you will want to watch out for: 

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea 
  • Fatigue
  • Impaired balance
  • Memory loss
  • Loss of conscience
  • Vertigo

For more serious brain injuries, you may experience vomiting, seizures or convulsions, light sensitivity, numbness in fingers and toes, or coordination problems. Seek medical help immediately if you think you have a brain injury.

Your Next Steps After a Brain Injury

When you are considering filing a claim after a brain injury, you have two years from the date of the accident to file a claim. However, the further away from the date of the accident you file, the more difficult it may be to prove your injury. In this case, it’s ideal to get help from brain injury lawyers right away. 

Next, you will want to determine the reason for your or your family member’s injury. If the victim was injured due to the negligence of someone else, they will have to prove four things: duty, breach of duty, causation, and damages. Talk to your lawyer about proving these elements and getting the compensation you’re due.

Get Help From an Austin Brain Injury Attorney

You shouldn’t have to feel stressed and alone when going through a traumatic experience, especially a brain injury. Brain injuries may drastically change your life, but getting the compensation you deserve may ease some of the burdens you feel due to medical expenses and loss of wages. 

The Austin personal injury lawyers at Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law can provide you with the information you need to file your case. Our team will work with you every step of the way to help you get the compensation you deserve. Reach out to us at 866-720-5254 or fill out a contact form below to speak to an attorney through a free consultation.

Three Questions from the Insurance Company You Shouldn’t Answer

January 3, 2023

Insurance in some form or another is typically mandatory. You’re required to give an insurance company some of your hard-earned money each month, and in return, they promise to protect you in the event of an accident or emergency. 

Unfortunately, insurance companies aren’t your friend, and rarely have your best interest at heart. They will do anything to offer you the minimum settlement they can get away with, or, more simply, deny your claim.

Having an attorney present to help you with insurance company communications is the easiest way to avoid getting your claim denied or accepting a lowball offer out of desperation. Whether or not you choose to get an attorney, keep in mind these questions you should never answer from your insurance company.

Were You At Fault?

Even if you are not intentionally admitting fault, phrases like “I’m sorry,” or “it was my fault” can be used against you. Do not admit fault to your insurance company or law enforcement. 

Even admitting partial fault can drastically reduce the value of your claim, or even cause your claim to be outright denied. Anything you say at the accident scene can be used against you. Because of this, it’s often best to let your lawyer represent you during these conversations. 

Can You Give a Statement on the Record?

Recorded statements are never in your best interest. Insurance statements use them to search for inconsistencies and contradictions in clients’ statements. You don’t have any obligation to give a statement on the record to anyone, no matter what the insurance representative claims. The insurance company can and will use your words against you.

When describing the incident, be sure to only give indisputable facts. It’s also okay to say you’re not sure or don’t know. You can’t possibly know every aspect of the incident and giving certain answers can hurt your claim. Your lawyer can guide you through these interactions and to the answers you need. 

Are You Ready to Accept a Settlement?

When you start a dialogue with your insurance company, you may be offered a sum of money as a settlement. Typically, this settlement offer is a lowball offer that doesn’t cover what your claim is due. If a settlement comes too soon, it is a sure sign that the offer is likely a lowball. 

Insurance companies have an unfortunate pattern of attempting to get their clients to accept bad offers. Often, they’re playing on their clients’ desperation and lack of legal knowledge. Remember that you are owed compensation for your injuries, your vehicle damage, any time you had to take off work, and any current or future medical bills related to the accident.

Get Guidance from a Personal Injury Lawyer 

If you or someone you love has been battling an insurance company to get the compensation you deserve, know that you don’t have to face it alone. Having an experienced attorney to aggressively represent you with their knowledge of the law can be the difference between getting your claim denied and getting your maximum possible settlement. 

The lawyers at Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law are ready to fight for you. Call 800-488-7840 or fill out the following online contact form to learn more and get your free consultation. 

Texas Negligence Laws Explained 

November 2, 2022

Texas, as with other states, has established specific laws that define what negligence pertains to in a personal injury claim. Under these laws, you have the right to pursue financial compensation for any injuries or damages sustained because of the negligence of another. 

There are several statutes under Texas law that you should learn about if you intend on filing a personal injury claim in the state. Understanding these rules can make it more likely to recover damages for any injuries, out-of-pocket expenses, and lost wages. 

Modified Comparative Fault 

When negligence has to be established, Texas uses a modified comparative fault standard to determine who is at fault and who receives damages. This is also known as proportionate responsibility. This means that the amount you receive may be reduced if you’re found to be partially at fault, as well.

For example, if you got into a car accident while texting with a car that ran a stop sign, you may be found to be 50 percent at fault. If they award you $30,000 in damages, you would reduce this amount by half, receiving $15,000. 

There is also the 51 percent bar rule. This stops anyone who is 51 percent or more at fault for the accident and injuries from collecting damages. 

Modified Joint and Several Liability Rule

Texas followed a traditional joint and several liability rules prior to 1995. This means that the plaintiff was liable for the whole amount of the plaintiff’s damages. This is even if the plaintiff was somewhat at fault. 

In 1995, the state changed the law and now follows a modified joint and several liability rule. This makes it so the defendant is only liable for the full compensation amount of the damages if they’re 50 percent or more responsible for the accident. 

The Elements of Negligence in Texas

Personal injury lawsuits have a legal standard that means to win the case, you have to do so by a preponderance of evidence provided. In criminal cases, the standard is proving beyond a reasonable doubt, which is harder to prove.

If you’re a plaintiff in a personal injury claim, you have to demonstrate these five elements:

  • The defendant was supposed to act in a specific manner, but did not
  • There was a breach of duty where the defendant did not do something, such as focusing on the road 
  • The injuries sustained were caused by this breach of duty
  • It is obvious the act that was done or not done could have hurt someone
  • You have suffered an actual hardship that can be compensated for

If these five elements can be shown in a personal injury claim, you may be able to recover damages under the Texas negligence laws.

Collect Your Damages With an Experienced Law Office

When collecting damages, you need an experienced law office that understands negligence laws in the state of Texas. Reach out to the professionals at Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law.

Call the office at 800-488-7840 today to schedule a time to speak with our attorneys for a free consultation, or fill out the following online contact form. Know your rights and understand the laws put in place to protect you in the event of the negligence of someone else. 

Suing Because of a Child Injury

October 24, 2022

When your child is injured, this is considered to be a serious crime. You need the right legal representation on your side when you head to court. But what steps do you need to take for your claim?

Our team of injury lawyers with Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law can help you get the justice you deserve. Don’t let an injury to your child go unpunished.

Can I Sue on Behalf of My Child? 

When your child is injured because someone else was careless, your child is unable to defend their future in court. Minors, or people under 18 years old, are ineligible to sue until they’re of age. However, this can be a major problem for children because evidence can be lost or destroyed in the meantime. 

While your child has the option to wait until they’re old enough to sue, filing on your child’s behalf can help protect their best interests now, not later. You and your lawyer can speak with the judge about appointing a guardian ad litem. This allows your lawyer to represent your child in court. 

Acting now can help your child recover sooner, with the funds your family needs in the aftermath of a serious accident. Contact a lawyer about liability and what damages your child may be due

Liability for Your Child’s Injuries

When your child is hurt, determining who’s liable for the injury is vital. Your lawyer can help you determine liability depending on the details of your child’s accident.

For example, because it is the assumption that an owner or operator of a childcare facility has a duty to keep the child safe while under their care, the owner may be liable for your child’s injuries. Your lawyer can help you take the right steps to take your claim to court and get compensated for your child’s suffering. 

If your child is injured while at school, it is difficult to hold the school liable for the injury. However, you may still have the ability to get monetary compensation. According to Texas law, you may file a claim against your school or other government agencies if your child’s injury at school was a result of negligent actions

In some instances, a third party may be the reason your child was injured. In that case, the plaintiff will want to consider filing a claim against the third party with the help of an experienced attorney.

Get the Compensation You Deserve for Your Child with an Austin Attorney

If your child is suffering due to someone else’s neglectful actions, don’t leave their recovery up to chance. Call an experienced Austin attorney that can help you file a claim and walk you through all of the steps to get your monetary compensation. Our lawyers have the tools you need for your claim.

Struggling to take action on your child’s behalf? Reach out to Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law for a free consultation. Give us a call at 800-488-7840 or fill out our online contact form for more information.

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