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Is Texas a No-Fault State?

If you drive a vehicle and live in Texas, you may know the term “at-fault state.”

But what is a no-fault state, and what does it mean for you as a car driver? Read on to learn more about what a no-fault state is versus an at-fault state and what each means when it comes to your liability if you get into a car accident. When you’re hurt and unable to work, your local vehicle accident lawyer can help you make a full recovery.

What Is a No-Fault State?

A no-fault state is a state where motor vehicle drivers, in case of an accident, turn to their respective insurance companies to seek their claims, regardless of who is actually at fault. In turn, the insurance companies are in charge of going after the party at fault to recover how much they paid out.

The purpose of being a no-fault state is to allow parties in a car accident to recover expenses before anything else and leave the worrying about the more formal claims to the insurance companies.

In no-fault states, everyone who drives a vehicle is usually required to get some form of personal injury protection in their car insurance policy.

What Is an At-Fault State?

In contrast to the no-fault state, an at-fault state means that drivers in a car accident will turn to the insurance company of the party at fault to recover damages.

This means that you don’t have to pay deductibles or higher premiums with your own insurance company if you get into an accident caused by someone else. Additionally, if the driver’s insurance policy does not have enough coverage to cover all your expenses, you can sue the driver at fault directly.

Texas is an at-fault state, which means that the insurer of the driver at fault is primarily responsible for paying damages to the injured party.

Call Slingshot Law Today

Filing a claim and gathering evidence to support your entitlement to compensation before the other party’s insurance company can be tricky. Many vehicular accidents suffer devastating injuries, such as brain damage, spinal cord damage, and severe burns. You need compensation that covers all of your expenses, loss, and hardship. Working with a local injury lawyer, you could pursue economic damages such as property damage and medical bills, and also non-economic damages which cover the intangible loss you’ve suffered like emotional anguish or disfigurement. 

We understand that things don’t always go your way when on the road. It can even get worse when the insurance company denies your claim by blaming you for the accident.

The personal injury attorneys at Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law, are here to help members of our community overcome the hardships faced after a devastating injury. When you’re ready to take back control of your life, schedule your free consultation by calling us at 800-488-7840 or by filling out the contact form on this page.

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