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Pflugerville Car Accident Lawyer

After a serious car accident, you may not have the tools to pursue compensation for your injuries. Your car accident lawyer in Pflugerville can help you settle your claim so you can focus on your family and your recovery. 

One moment, you’re on a nice drive through the city, commuting from work, or just out for an evening on the town. The next, you’re struck by a careless driver, and you’re injured.

When you’re hurt, it’s tough to get fairly compensated for your losses. Luckily, your lawyer at Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law can help. If you’ve been injured by another driver, your Pflugerville car accident lawyer can help you take your personal injury claim to court and take the right steps for compensation.

Insurance Settlement vs. Pflugerville Car Accident Lawsuit

In the aftermath of a Pflugerville car accident, you may need to contact your insurance company and notify them about the auto accident. But do you have to settle with the company? Often, accepting a settlement offer can hurt your future, not help it. Your insurance company wants to protect its profits, not your health. Because of that, you may be offered a small or no settlement.

You can seek out a car accident lawyer in Pflugerville to seek a larger settlement, or you and your lawyer may need to file a lawsuit for your losses after the accident, or damages. Your car accident lawyer can review the details of your car accident and help you choose the best route to compensation.

Compensation for Pflugerville Car Accident Victims

But what should your compensation include? Arriving in the courtroom for your Pflugerville car accident lawsuit without knowing what your claim is worth can spell disaster. Because of that, you and your car accident lawyer need to discuss your claim’s value first.

Your compensation should cover your economic and non-economic damages. These damages cover both the financial losses you’ve suffered and the emotional and mental toll of your damages. Your economic damages may be easier to calculate; your lawyer can simply add up the medical expenses, lost workdays, and car repairs you need.

Your non-economic damages are intangible, so it can be difficult to calculate the costs of your pain and suffering or emotional trauma. You may need to turn to your car accident lawyer, who has the tools to calculate your claim’s value based on its severity and impact.

Talk to a Car Accident Lawyer in Pflugerville

When you’re hurt in a Pflugerville car accident, it can be tough to get compensated fairly for your injuries, bills, and mental trauma. You’re suffering because of these damages, and the at-fault party doesn’t want to pay. Worse, fighting alone could damage your lawsuit or get your claim dismissed. Because of this, you may need legal assistance in the courtroom.

At Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot Law, we know you only have one shot against the at-fault party. Your Pflugerville car accident lawyer can help you make that shot count. For a free consultation about your claim and what we can offer, reach out by calling 800-488-7840 or by completing the online contact form below.

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